OCT 2020

Knock, knock!

Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Boo Who?
Aw, it’s okay, don't cry… We’ll go easy with the Halloween dad jokes!

October has finally rolled in. The air has gotten cooler and the leaves are starting to turn different shades of orange. While people enjoy their hiking trips in the pleasant weather and huddle around the campfires at night, All Hallows Eve is slowly creeping in too.

The stories around the campfire begin to get darker as itstretches its ghastly fingers through one neighborhood after another, leading up to the big night.

Legend says thaton Halloween,the boundary between our world and the world of the dead becomes blurred, and the spirits of those who have been wronged by the living come back, grudgeful, and dead set on getting their revenge.

Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Nobody who?
Nobody wants to get recognized by a pissed off ghost!

So, on ancient Halloween, people would wear costumes and masks to hide their identities to avoid getting attacked by revenge-thirsty spirits.

Nowadays, unless you’re trying to slip unnoticed past a landlord who has come looking for the overdue rent, then you’re disguising yourself for a costume party or taking your little nephew out for some trick or treating.

But if you really want to get into the spirit on the spookiest of nights, we’ve got something in store for you that will send chills down your spine!

Three doors are in front of you, and all three have something to say.

“Not scary at all.”
“Very scary.”

Knock, Knock!
Which one will you open?!


Knock, knock!

Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Boo Who?
Aw, it’s okay, don't cry… We’ll go easy with the Halloween dad jokes!

October has finally rolled in. The air has gotten cooler and the leaves are starting to turn different shades of orange. While people enjoy their hiking trips in the pleasant weather and huddle around the campfires at night, All Hallows Eve is slowly creeping in too.

The stories around the campfire begin to get darker as itstretches its ghastly fingers through one neighborhood after another, leading up to the big night.

Legend says thaton Halloween,the boundary between our world and the world of the dead becomes blurred, and the spirits of those who have been wronged by the living come back, grudgeful, and dead set on getting their revenge.

Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Nobody who?
Nobody wants to get recognized by a pissed off ghost!

So, on ancient Halloween, people would wear costumes and masks to hide their identities to avoid getting attacked by revenge-thirsty spirits.

Nowadays, unless you’re trying to slip unnoticed past a landlord who has come looking for the overdue rent, then you’re disguising yourself for a costume party or taking your little nephew out for some trick or treating.

But if you really want to get into the spirit on the spookiest of nights, we’ve got something in store for you that will send chills down your spine!

Three doors are in front of you, and all three have something to say.

“Not scary at all.”
“Very scary.”

Knock, Knock!
Which one will you open?!